Not milk! Floor sealant served to kids at Alaska school

Juneau, Alaska - A dozen children and two adults were accidentally served floor sealant instead of milk during a day care summer program at an elementary school.

Children and staff at an Alaska elementary school were accidentally served floor sealant instead of milk.
Children and staff at an Alaska elementary school were accidentally served floor sealant instead of milk.  © Christopher Polk / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP

"Got Milk?" More like, "Not milk."

The incident happened on Tuesday at Sitʼ Eeti Shaanáx̱-Glacier Valley Elementary in Alaska when children, aged five to 12, were being served breakfast.

As everyone started to chow down, children began to complain of a burning sensation in their mouths and throats caused by the milk.

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According to a statement from the school, "it was found that the 'milk' served was actually a floor sealant resembling liquid milk."

"We don’t know how that happened, but they were all put on the same pallet," said superintendent Bridget Weiss. "That pallet was delivered, and the assumption was that it was milk because that’s what we thought was being delivered."

At least one child was taken to the hospital for treatment. Poison control and the students' parents were notified. Juneau police are also conducting an investigation.

Weiss went on to explain that standards are in place that any chemical used at the school must have a low ingestion risk, "so our students are doing fine."

Cover photo: Christopher Polk / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP

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