
Animal News

Read the latest stories about animals from around the world on TAG24.
Read the latest stories about animals from around the world on TAG24.  © 123RF/Eric Isselee

Discover the latest animal news and stories.

Are you looking for small and fuzzy critters, large and majestic beasts, or astonishing new scientific discoveries about the animal world? TAG24's here and ready to serve your needs!

Get the best tips and advice on pet care, as well as tons of fascinating animal facts. The cutest cat photos and videos, the most inspiring and heart-warming dog stories, all in one place. Are you keen to take a dive into the lives of our four-legged friends? Then you've come to the right place.

TAG24’s animal news is the perfect home for  animal lovers everywhere! Whether you're a pet owner yourself, are thinking about adopting a little furry fellow, or just want some fun facts about a squirrel who lives across the street, we've got you covered. 

Make sure to stick with TAG24 for all of you animal news, and more.

Overview of Animals News