Free Virgo horoscope for September 2023

This September, Virgos may need to lower their high expectations. Love doesn't always adhere to deadlines. Check out your free monthly horoscope to find out what the stars have in store for you.

Virgos, check your monthly horoscope to see what's happening this September 2023.
Virgos, check your monthly horoscope to see what's happening this September 2023.  © 123RF/Littlepaw

Keep up with your free monthly horoscope for zodiac sign Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

September is your season, Virgo! You love watching summer fade into fall. This transitional energy makes you active and excited for new challenges.

However, as soon as Venus comes out of retrograde on September 3, the planet Jupiter turns. All this change can be a bit hard to take. But don't worry, your horoscope can help you ride out these celestial waves.

Take time out to embrace your urges. You'll reach your goals with a smile on your face!

Taurus monthly horoscope for September 2023

Love and Relationships

Don't run from everyday responsibilities that feel like a burden. That'll just make things messy. Don't assume that something you borrowed is yours forever, that'll only get you into trouble.

Treat your love with care and don't try to push them out of their comfort zone too often. Take time out to contemplate. With Venus out of retrograde romantic times are on the horizon. Allow yourself to get excited and enjoy cuddly hours with friends or sweethearts.

Health and Fitness

Make time for sleep and you'll stay fit. Travel is good for you and stimulates new ways of thinking that'll make you feel better. Your aura shines and you radiate peace. This month, you'll be both fit and resilient. Support this phase with lots of exercise.

Career and Finances

Finally, things are moving forward. Keep listening to what others tell you in confidence. You are now the face of a project, but you've got this Virgo. Everyone loves your work. Captivating an audience with your ideas and insights will be easy this September. Just take care not to come across as over-eager.

No matter your zodiac sign, we've got you covered with our monthly and daily horoscopes. Grab a hold of your destiny and let the stars guide your way.

Cover photo: 123RF/Littlepaw

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