Colleges cancel spring breaks and pay off students to stay home
For the second consecutive year, Covid-19 is affecting college students' spring break plans. In efforts to curb another outbreak, many schools are canceling the traditional week-long break, or are using incentives to keep students in-place.

Spring break is the week-long time off most students look forward to the most during their spring semesters. But as Covid-19 carries on, colleges are modifying how spring break will be carried out.
Vox reported that some schools, like Texas A&M and Yale University, are splitting up the week-long break across the semester. Rather than giving students five consecutive days off, the university will be giving one or two days off at different points throughout the semester.
Other schools such as the University of California and Southern Illinois University are reportedly offering to pay students $75 to stay put and not travel to spring break hot spots like Florida and Texas.
These measures are meant to help in curbing the potential spread of Covid-19, as some spring break hotspots are already teeming with thousands of people. According to CNN, Miami Beach Police arrested 100 people over the past weekend.
Conversely, the mental health of students continues to be an afterthought in the discussions about curbing spring break. A survey conducted by the University of Michigan found that 83% of students surveyed said their anxiety and depression has worsened since Covid-19 began.
As many look forward to spring break for reasons other than the week-long party it's known for, the decisions made by some colleges and universities can seem harsh on students in need of some time off.
Colleges that haven't canceled or altered the spring break schedule will hold their week long vacations over the next few weeks.
Cover photo: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire