Woman takes 189 pills a week in never-ending fight against Covid

Portland, Oregon - After being diagnosed with Covid-19 on April 11, 2020, one woman is still suffering from the aftershock of Covid-19 symptoms – along with a new diagnosis.

Amy Watson has been battling Covid-19 symptoms and side effects for nearly a year, perplexing medical experts .
Amy Watson has been battling Covid-19 symptoms and side effects for nearly a year, perplexing medical experts .  © screenshot/facebook/Amy Watson

She was initially diagnosed after falling victim to flu-like symptoms, but the former pre-school teacher from Portland, Oregon, has been out of work for over a year, still suffering with the after effects of the virus.

Now, she has an arsenal of 189 of pills, tablets, and capsules that she takes every week to curb the symptoms.

Yet, as of March 3, Watson was still running a 100.7 degree fever. After months of suffering from the effects of Covid-19, Watson was hit with another blow: she had developed post-viral dysautonomia.

In a Facebook post from September 15, 2020, Watson explained the diagnosis, writing: "My autonomic nervous system (ANS) was damaged by COVID-19. This controls things like breathing, heart function, digestion, perspiration, temperature regulation, and vision. I have brain damage".

The symptoms she's consistently experienced include nausea, fatigue, the sensation of her skin burning, difficulty breathing, constant migraines, and a rapid heart rate due to tachycardia — a condition that causes your heart to beat abnormally fast and restricts blood flow to the rest of the body.

A continuation of symptoms leaves doctors perplexed

While her many afflictions are unimaginably gruesome, Watson still tries to make light of the situation when she can, telling Fox 5 that her symptoms are "post-Covid gifts".

The main issue with Watson's conditions, and others who are in the same boat, is the element of the unknown. Since Covid-19 has only been around a little over a year, there are many facets to the virus that doctors and medical researchers are still unaware and unsure of.

Watson said that many of the doctors she had visited were in disbelief and left baffled by their failed attempts to treat her.

As the pandemic rolls on, Watson and other "long-haulers" of Covid-19 are surely hoping medical experts can give them answers and relief sooner than later.

Cover photo: screenshot/facebook/Amy Watson

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