Chess robot breaks boy's finger during tournament match!
Moscow, Russia - A chess playing robot broke a young boy's finger during a tournament match.

A clip from July 19 shared by Russian outlet Baza's Telegram channel shows CCTV footage of a seven-year-old, identified only as Christopher, facing off against a chess playing robot that is playing three opponents at once.
After the single armed robot discards a piece from the board, the boy quickly jumps in to make his next move, prompting the robot to grab his finger, possibly after mistaking it for a piece.
As the child starts panicking, several adults rush in to save him from the clutches of the robot.
Sergey Lazarev, president of the Russian Chess Federation, reportedly told Russia's TASS press agency that the rented robot had been exhibited in other places, while admitting that "operators overlooked some flaws."
He also seems to blame the child while distancing the federation from the robot.
"The child made a move, and after that we need to give time for the robot to answer, but the boy hurried, the robot grabbed him," he explained.
"We have nothing to do with the robot."
Robot chess player gets Twitter talking
Russian Chess Federation Vice President Sergey Smagin doubled down on the blame, saying that the child violated safety rules.
The internet, meanwhile, saw cause for concern in the story.
"Why did they make the chess robot strong enough to break bones?" one Twitter user asked. "I’m pretty sure it doesn’t need to be that strong!"
"The first real sign of artificial intelligence was when robots became sore losers," another wrote.
The boy reportedly returned the following day and finished the competition – which is actually pretty impressive!
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot / Twitter / @xakpc