Mysterious ice block falls from the sky destroying suburban house

Patterson, New Jersey - A family was nearly struck by a giant block of ice when it careened into their roof from the sky.

A family was nearly struck by a giant block of ice when it careened into their roof from the sky (stock image.)
A family was nearly struck by a giant block of ice when it careened into their roof from the sky (stock image.)  © Unsplash/Scott Rodgerson

The Gomez family is still recovering from the shock of Wednesday evening's bizarre events.

They were sitting comfortably together on their veranda when suddenly the evening came to an abrupt end, News12NJ reports.

A huge block of ice smashed down just a few inches away from the table where Sabrina and Paul Gomez sat with their guests.

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Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident.

"Out of nowhere you just hear a hollow sound coming down," Sabrina said.

"We didn’t think anything of it and then you just hear a big DOOOOSH!"

When Sabrina and Paul went to look at the damage, they were shocked.

The huge chunk of ice crashed right through their roof, then through the second floor, tore a hole in the floor, and then hit the backyard.

"It was big stones… I guess it was a big square," Paul said.

"When it came down it smashed everything."

A News12NJ video shows the ice block's startling damage to the house, which is so severe that the Gomez family may need a whole new roof.

Where could the ice block have come from?

The Gomez family suspects that the block of ice came off of an airplane as, immediately after the impact, Sabrina says she looked up to see a plane flying by.

The couple's house is located right in the flight path of Newark Airport, one of the largest international airports in the New York metropolitan area.

Sabrina and Paul have filed a claim with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for further investigation.

Cover photo: Unsplash/Scott Rodgerson

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