When the kids are at school, these parents get down and dirty

Southend-on-Sea, UK - Jess and Mike Miller are not your average parents: they also happen to be porn stars.

Jess and Mike Miller are porn stars and parents.
Jess and Mike Miller are porn stars and parents.  © Screenshot/Instagram/jess_mike_miller

What would you think if your parents were in porn, shooting adult films in between carting you to and back from school?

Jess and Mike Miller from the UK have had to field a lot of awkward questions about their x-rated work. The couple posts almost daily erotic videos on their Instagram account for cash. 

According to the Daily Star, the couple has made an erotic film almost every day for a whole year. They talked about their experiences and their special everyday life on an episode of the British documentary Adults Only, which was broadcast on Monday.

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Mike Miller defended their profession by saying, "We're not doing anything with anybody else. We're not degrading ourselves in any way, shape or form." 

When the children are at school, their apartment turns into a porn set. And although they have tried to keep their careers a secret, fans have recognized the couple on the street and some friends have even watched the footage of their romps. 

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The pair is also active on Instagram.
The pair is also active on Instagram.  © Screenshot/Instagram/jess_mike_miller

The duo has also had to justify their work to the other parents at school. 

According to Jess, some of the other mothers can't believe how often she and her husband do it: "When I talk to other women at the school they say, ‘I can't believe you're doing that. My husband gets it once a month.’”

Although their porn careers are no longer secret, the couple doesn't have any intention of calling it quits.

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To master the balancing act between the roles of parents and porn actors, Jess and Mike have set up a schedule. They know how much time they have to get their latest content shot, usually about an hour.

They also work out regularly and often make gym-themed erotic films. Their Instagram account features regular spicy topics, like “Filthy Friday” and “Storytime Sunday”.

Sadly, we don't know what the kids have to say about their parents' work, but they would presumably not be very eager to talk about it.

Cover photo: Screenshot/Instagram/jess_mike_miller

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