Sleepy dog snoozes then shocks owners with zipping case of zoomies

Dogs – they're just like us! One pup is making viral rounds on social media after its owner documented their canine companion's distaste for being awake during the day.

One dog sleeps all day until the zoomies hit in the evening!
One dog sleeps all day until the zoomies hit in the evening!  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/@delightful_animals

Sometimes, being awake is a tall task, and it seems one dog, in particular, agrees wholeheartedly.

In a video reposted by @delightful_animals that's garnered nearly half a million views, a dog sits at the top of the stairs while sporting the most defeated look.

The on-screen text reads, "My dog hates mornings and sleeps all day," as the video moves through various clips of the pup snoozing the day away in various areas of its humble abode.

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Suddenly, the video switches up while the on-screen text reads, "Then 5 pm hits," before a clip of the once-sleepy doggo zipping across the backyard and though a doorway begins.

After the dog sprints into the house, it slides across the floor atop a rug before body-slamming a nearby couch.

Throughout the vid, one of the dog's owners is heard giggling up a storm as she takes in her rambunctious doggo's serious case of the zoomies.

It seems like this pup may not enjoy being awake during the day, but it clearly has no issue with living the zoomies life in the early evening!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/@delightful_animals

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