Enjoy the smell of bacon and save lives! This mask will make your belly rumble
Austin, Minnesota - This year's coronavirus pandemic has made masks an indispensable part of our everyday life. They are available in every color imaginable and many have even become fashionable. Hormel Foods has now created its own, very special kind of face covering.

Although masks are there to protect others, wearing one for hours on end can get quite annoying and uncomfortable.
To make wearing them a bit more bearable, Hormel Foods has now come up with something that might even be a bit of fun – especially for meat lovers:
A bacon-scented mask!
The Breathable Bacon has a black design with little strips of bacon all over it.
"Using the latest in bacon-smell technology and irresistibly breathable, 2-ply fabric, finally, bacony-bliss can be with you always – even while out in public," the company wrote on their website.
And to make everything even better (or more bizarre, depending on your take), the mask is apparently calorie and fat-free.
To get the full experience and enjoy the unique smell of bacon everywhere, the correct mask-wearing etiquette is crucial.
According to the safety instructions, it should not be worn below the nose – obviously, since that would defeat its entire purpose – used while sleeping. Oh, and this is definitely not an edible item!
Cover photo: Screenshot/https://www.breathablebacon.com