Bath & Body Wars: video shows customers and staff embroiled in brutal bout

Scottsdale, Arizona - A woman was apparently standing too close to another customer, triggering a big brawl in the middle of a Bath & Body Works.

Bath & Body Works employees had their hands full on Saturday when several customers got into an argument (collage).
Bath & Body Works employees had their hands full on Saturday when several customers got into an argument (collage).  © Collage: Screenshots/Twitter/gendenslow (2)

The incident reportedly took place on Saturday in Arizona, but it only became public knowledge after a video of the bizarre and brutal scenes went viral.

Meanwhile, more than ten million people have seen the video of the fight on Twitter.

According to Fox News, one woman had been standing too close to another in the checkout line. The customer in front, who is not visible in the video, apparently started a heated discussion with the second woman (who is wearing a black and white dress in the video).

A Bath & Body Works employee tried to intervene and de-escalate the situation, but the woman refused to leave. Winslow said she was "loud and uncooperative the whole time before the fight started."

The customer punched the employee, who then pushed the woman back. A colleague rushed to help, after which things became increasingly confusing.

The three women fell to the ground. Several more colleagues tried to help, and two other customers also joined the crowd. A bystander tugged at an employee, while the another customer tried to insert herself between all the others.

Fists flew, and the confrontation became even wilder.

Videos show shocking altercation at Bath & Body Works in Scottsdale

A male employee finally chased one of the angry women outside, yelling "Get out now!" The other riotous customers followed her a short time later. It was unclear at first how many people were injured in the confrontation or whether there was any property damage.

The police got wind of the episode and are now investigating two of the women involved in the brawl. A Bath & Body Works spokesperson said he was "deeply concerned" about the incident and was helping the authorities to investigate.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Twitter/gendenslow (2)

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