Twitter is impressed and appalled by this edited family photo

Internet - Family drama goes viral! At first glance, the family photos this father and daughter posted look the same, until you notice someone is missing from the dad's version.

There are five people in the original photo (l.). In the dad's version (r.), Courtney's mother was removed (collage).
There are five people in the original photo (l.). In the dad's version (r.), Courtney's mother was removed (collage).  © Twitter/Bildmontage/courtmaloney

Twitter user Courtney posted a family picture. It's a nice shot of Courtney with her mom and siblings. Everyone looks happy, and their eyes are open.

A coffee table with a beer and a puzzle stands in front of the mom and her four children. It's a cute family photo.

After Courtney posted the picture, her dad, who is divorced from her mom, took the picture and posted it to his Facebook account. When Courtney saw her dad's post, she was shocked by the changes he had made.

At first glance, Courtney's dad's photo seems the same, except a certain someone is missing. Courtney's dad cut his ex out of the family picture!

And he did an amazing job, because he didn't just chop out his ex. The beer that was on the table in the first picture is missing and so is every trace and shadow of Courtney's mom. It's as if she was never there!

Courtney posted both pictures on Twitter. She was shocked by her dad's editing but also surprised by his skills. She wrote, "the SHADE????? the SKILL???"

Courtney is surprised and impressed

The Twitter community is shocked

Courtney's dad had an unexpected reason behind his photo editing job (collage).
Courtney's dad had an unexpected reason behind his photo editing job (collage).  © Twitter/Bildmontage/courtmaloney

Courtney's tweet went viral, and lots of people were upset by her dad's editing.

In the comments, Twitter users agree that even if you get divorced, you should at least show a little kindness towards your ex. It's also clear that most users think brazenly erasing someone from a picture isn't very nice. But they were also impressed by the photo editing.

Courtney couldn't believe that her dad nonchalantly posted the edited family picture with a heart and a smiley face "like it was nothing."

A few days later Courtney posted a surprising update: "1. my mom thought this was funny 2. my dad’s brother is the creative guy behind this and my dad wants to credit his business for his services."

Apparently, Courtney's dad wasn't trying to cut his ex out of his life because he was feeling vindictive and mean. Allegedly, all he wanted to do was promote his brother's photo editing business.

Her father seems to have accomplished his goal: Courtney's tweet has over 900,000 likes!

Cover photo: Twitter/Bildmontage/courtmaloney

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