What is the iPhone pinky? TikTokers compare notes on hand deformity caused by cell phone use
Los Angeles, California - When you see this trend on TikTok, you might want to pull your little finger out from under your cell and take a look at the health effects that chronic phone usage has had on it!

Because you only hold your smartphone with one hand, you use your little finger as a support to prevent it from falling. Meanwhile, the other fingers clasp the screen. Who hasn't experienced this?
Many people are likely to perform this movement completely automatically and subconsciously almost every day.
Several users on TikTok show the frightening consequences this can have on your hands, however.
On the video platform, they share photos of their so-called "iPhone pinky."
With the weight of a cell phone pressing down for several hours a day, some users have noticed a deformation on their pinky fingers.
Countless videos show a number of bends in the little finger, which automatically makes the viewer start to worry about their own hand!
Will these little fingers eventually return to normal?

First, the videos show the "normal" unaffected finger – the little finger on the other hand that is not used to lift the cell phone.
The other hand is then shown or held next to it for comparison.
The people behind the camera are often extremely shocked at how different their little fingers look!
While everyone frantically checks their own hand for deformities as a result of these images, there is also good news as the symptoms that can occur as a result of excessive cell phone use can reportedly be undone.
A physical therapist told Bustle that the deformation of the little finger can be reversed if you adjust your finger posture when scrolling and take the strain off the little finger.
The longer you have used your smartphone in this way, however, the longer it takes for the "iPhone pinky" to recover.
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@essiebone & @girlboss4lyfe