Woman films herself performing sex acts with seven puppies

Manchester, UK - What an unthinkable crime!

The videos showed up to seven puppies (stock image).
The videos showed up to seven puppies (stock image).  © 123RF/Eliška Kadlecová

Katrina Parkinson (28) from Manchester, England, filmed herself several times committing sexual acts with puppies.

On August 4, 2018, the mother-of-two even sent the recordings to her then-boyfriend Peter Brooks (31), in order to keep his interest in her alive.

According to local media, the footage showed between five to seven puppies and a woman's private parts.

Prosecutor Sarah Johnston told the court in Manchester that the female in the video "was noted to have a tattoo on the ring finger of her left hand, consistent with a tattoo Miss Parkinson has."

A "jokey" series of messages between the couple about the videos were also found.

Parkinson eventually admitted to taking the videos, which only surfaced because police were investigating a possible Snapchat conversation between the British woman and a teenage girl.

Bob Sastry, Katrina Parkinson's attorney, defended his client in court, saying, "She is disgusted with herself. She fell in love and then, for whatever reason, felt the need to engage in matters which she felt would maintain his interest."

According to him, the mother had no interest in sexual activities as such. Katrina Parkinson also argued that none of the dogs were harmed.

He added his client didn't have any prior convictions and was already paying a heavy price as social services got involved and took her children.

Katrina Parkinson pleaded guilty to possession of 13 extreme pornographic images and publishing three extreme pornographic videos.

She was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended from her job for 18 months and ordered to do 150 hours of unpaid work and 20 days of rehabilitation activities.

Cover photo: 123RF/Eliška Kadlecová

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