International Yoga Day: How daily yoga can do wonders for the mind, body, and soul
To say the last couple of years have been difficult is about as big as an understatement can get.

We're now technically into year three of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has taken a big toll on people's mental and physical health.
Amid all the crises, there's still a daily 9-5 hustle, regular adult responsibilities, bills – in short, a lot to handle.
So how can anyone possibly find the time to just take a moment and chill?
Well, one easy way to get some much needed R&R in the comfort of your own home, your office, or anywhere else, is to practice yoga.
By now, everyone may have heard the same old talk about how great yoga for the body. But the tranquil exercise is so much deeper than just twisting your body into a pretzel while chanting positive affirmations.
According to Dr. Natalie Nevins – a board-certified osteopathic family physician and certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in California – practicing yoga daily will help in building "strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body."
In February 2014, the National Library of Medicine conducted a review of yoga for balance in a healthy population. Per the study, even practicing gentle yoga has been shown to ease some of the discomfort of tender, swollen joints for people diagnosed with arthritis.
There are many easy beginner poses to choose from if you're new to this. This handy list of 10 from The New York Times is a great place to start.

Yoga and chill

Since yoga is a form of exercise, there are naturally some great fitness benefits to it, like a more toned physique and increased flexibility.
Simply taking 10 minutes out of your day to practice some yoga can also do wonders for reducing tension overall.
Essentially, yoga forces the body to take a moment and chill the heck out.
Celebs like Matthew McConaughey, Robert Downey Jr., and Jennifer Aniston swear by the lifestyle hack, and who can blame them? With the pressures of Hollywood, long days on set, and looking flawless 24/7- yoga is one of the many secrets some famous folk swear by that helps keep them sane.
A few other surprising benefits include sharpening intuition, detoxing the body, improved breathing, and weight reduction.
Per John Hopkins, yoga can also help reduce stress and improve moods.
Overall there's no real downside to taking a few yoga classes even, its just a once-in-blue thing.
Taking a moment to give the body some extra loving and well-deserved downtime is probably one of the best decisions to make.
So grab a mat, turn on some laid-back tunes, and give your body some much-needed TLC. Namaste.
Cover photo: imago/Westend61