Ruff romance: woman spices up her relationship with "puppy play"

Austin, Texas - Even though people stare, puppy-play fanatic Jenna and her partner Lorenzo proudly display their fetish and love language in public places.

Jenna opened her partner up to a world of "puppy play" that he had no idea existed.
Jenna opened her partner up to a world of "puppy play" that he had no idea existed.  © Screenshot/TikTok/officialpuppygirljenna

Since she was a child, Jenna didn't just play with dogs – she acted like she was one of them herself. Though her parents thought it was a phase she was going through, Jenna never grew out of it. Now, she's taken her obsession to a new, romantic level.

Puppy play is a form of role-playing in which one person behaves like a dog for their partner, known as their handler.

While Jenna's boyfriend, Lorenzo, wasn't necessarily into puppy play when they first met, he saw how happy she was in her puppy role, so he did what any good partner would do and adapted to her needs.

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In a video for Love Don't Judge, Jenna said, "Puppy play is an extremely important part of my relationship. That's where a lot of my love languages lie".

The couple doesn't bring any of the behind-the-scenes, off-camera kinkiness of puppy play out in public, but they refuse to give up on their roles just to fit into society's norms.

The odd looks of others can't tame this couple's playful ways

Jenna brought the submissive playfulness into the relationship herself.
Jenna brought the submissive playfulness into the relationship herself.  © Screenshot/TikTok/officialpuppygirljenna

Those who want to get a more personal look into Jenna's life as a dog, they can subscribe to her Only Fans page, which reads, "I'm a subby sadomasochist puppy girl that loves to make people ***."

Jenna's TikTok shows her playing fetch with balls, being reprimanded for laying on the couch, and getting a bath by her handler.

On top of the judgmental stares from strangers, the couple endures scrutiny on social media. Jenna said that some people ask her if she's being abused or trapped in a role she doesn't want to play. Others have flat out called her crazy.

In reality, it was Jenna that brought this submissive playfulness into the relationship, something she and Lorenzo both find immense satisfaction from in more ways than one.

Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/officialpuppygirljenna

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