Tattooed father with horn implants gets banned from church

São Paulo, Brazil - Renie Diniz likes his heavily tattooed and modified look, but it turns out not everyone does – particularly the Catholic church.

Renie Diniz has numerous body modifications and 70% of his body covered with tattoos.
Renie Diniz has numerous body modifications and 70% of his body covered with tattoos.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/reniediniz

When you modify your body with numerous piercings, tattoos, and implants, you're bound to catch a lot of eyes. Some will be fans or simply think "to each their own," while others might be less kind.

Take Diniz, for example. Even though the dad of two is a fan of his modified and devilish look – as are his friends – not everyone in his life is as accepting. The body mod addict told the Daily Star, "My father doesn't like it very much and my family asks why I do all this."

His family members aren't the only ones who have commented on his looks, either. Diniz told the outlet that pastors have barred him from entering several churches. Once while he was vacationing in Argentina, Diniz was told on numerous occasions that he was going to hell because of his appearance.

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Currently, Diniz's body is 70% covered in ink. In addition to his tattoo obsession, the dad also has four silicone implants in his right arm, four in his left, and two transdermal horn implants in his forehead. He also has his tongue split and tattooed black, 13 surgically implanted steel teeth, orc ears, and tatted eyeballs.

Though Diniz's look might not be for everyone, he said he's happy. And ultimately, that's what matters most!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/reniediniz

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