Mysterious sound inundates New York City subway station and pizza parlor for weeks!
New York, New York - Passengers' ears have been ringing for weeks in a New York City subway station. The problem is that nobody knows where the annoying noise is coming from!

Anyone who dives underground to use public transport in Manhattan at Broadway and Eighth Avenue may be surprised by a loud noise similar to a school bell echoing incessantly through the catacombs of the metropolis.
As reported by the New York Post, this has been going on for weeks.
Nobody knows exactly where the noise is coming from, however.
Sometimes it is louder and sometimes quieter depending on where you are in the station.
Unfortunately, the bell is deafeningly loud right at the entrance to See No Evil Pizza – a pizza restaurant owned by Adrien Gallo.
"To be completely honest, it's really odd," Gallo said.
What's going on in this New York City subway station?

To keep the noise away from customers as much as possible, the doors of the pizzeria are always closed.
Gallo suspects that it could be a problem with the electricity.
Meanwhile, the landlord of his store was unable to explain the ringing and left Gallo asking questions.
According to the Post, New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) confirmed that the bell is not related to the subway system or anything else belonging to MTA.
Luckily, the employees of the shop and even customers don't really seem to mind.
"It doesn't really bother me that much," barista Katie King said.
"I didn't think anything of the ringing," a city commuter added. "That's just the ambiance of New York. You tune these things out."
Hopefully See No Evil will eventually hear no ringing – ideally sooner rather than later!
Cover photo: Screenshot/Instagram/@seenoevilpizza