Today's horoscope: Free daily horoscope for Tuesday, December 26, 2023

On the second day of Christmas, astrology brings to you advice for what to do amid the holiday hustle and bustle! Find clarity with your daily horoscope for December 26.

Your free horoscope on Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Your personal and free daily horoscope for Tuesday, 12/26/2023.
Your personal and free daily horoscope for Tuesday, 12/26/2023.  © 123RF / svetlanacherruty

A full Moon means new energies for every zodiac sign!

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces – as a special lunar phase kicks off in the sensitive sign of Cancer, open your eyes to the true nature of things.

From renegotiating existing relationships, to starting new ones and discovering light where there was previously only darkness, December 26 brings a tumultuous astrological energy.

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All the while, astrology can help channel these vibes in the right direction and calm the strong emotions that swirl inside you.

Leave your own limitations behind and recognize the possibilities that life offers you.

The daily horoscope has the tools you need to find prosperity!

Aries horoscope: March 21 - April 19

Even if you have a clear goal in mind, leave some space for intuition and gut instinct. Shed that unapproachable exterior – everyone already knows that the facade obscures a loyal and sincere Aries.

Taurus horoscope: April 20 - May 20

You're insecure because your feelings are running amok. But if you'd stop and think for a moment, you'd see that things are finally looking up. Don't lose sight of your positive habits, they're worth maintaining.

Gemini horoscope: May 21 - June 20

Your life needs a course correction: sit down and talk through a difficult spell, Gemini! The urge to do something meaningful and attain clarity is strong, but it requires replenished reserves of energy.

Cancer horoscope: June 21 - July 22

You're ambitious and determined, which both admired and feared. The chaos at work and in love is finally dying down, but that doesn't mean you're out of the woods yet. Passion hides behind every corner – channel it in the right direction.

Leo horoscope: July 23 - August 22

What exactly keeps making your heart skip a beat? That's what you need to figure out. Your emotions are flaring up again, and there's plenty of space to use them productively. Organize, motivate, and guide those around you, Leo!

Virgo horoscope: August 23 - September 22

You've developed a healthy amount of confidence and are not shy about expressing your opinions. Nothing escapes you, which is why you should focus just as much on the positive as the negative in all aspects of life.

Libra horoscope: September 23 - October 22

You're outshining any challenger with razor-sharp arguments. No matter how long you ponder, you can't find a better solution to a conundrum at work at the moment. Accept reality and keep looking ahead.

Scorpio horoscope: October 23 - November 21

An unexpected windfall fixes longstanding problems. Now it's time to just enjoy spending time with friends and loved ones, who are deeply interested in you and value you highly.

Sagittarius horoscope: November 22 - December 21

Put away your feelings of guilt, you're only punishing yourself. You have a great talent for solving tricky tasks, so rediscover that self-belief and put it to work, Sagittarius!

Capricorn horoscope: December 22 - January 19

Make sure you stick to the right nutrition, you need all the energy you can get. The day might be long and tough – plan carefully before you dive into anything. This is a good time for striking new deals and achieving clear goals.

Aquarius horoscope: January 20 - February 18

You're willing to try out new things, which is just as well, since the constellations favor fresh projects. Refine your ideas and you'll find they can easily be put into practice.

Pisces horoscope: February 19 - March 20

Fast progress is the order of the day, put the pedal to the metal and move full speed ahead! Your relationships are thriving, but there's still room for more clarity. Be considerate if you decide to dig deep into emotional matters with someone else.

Cover photo: 123RF / svetlanacherruty

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