Clergyman asks "teen" for naked pictures and oral sex, but things take a turn when they meet

New York, New York – A church deacon was arrested on Tuesday after he tried to meet a minor for sex and discovered that the 14-year-old was actually an undercover cop.

If convicted, Rogelio Vega (50) could face several years in prison.
If convicted, Rogelio Vega (50) could face several years in prison.  © Saint Sebastian Roman Catholic Church

Rogelio Vega, a 50-year-old family man from New York, met the undercover investigator posing as a 14-year-old online on the LGBTQ social networking app Grindr on July 22.

Over a period of several months, Vega allegedly not only sent the "teenager" pictures of his private parts, but also repeatedly encouraged him to meet in person.

In the process, the deacon regularly asked the boy for nude pictures and oral sex.

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Although he was repeatedly rebuffed with excuses at first, a meeting finally did take place.

On January 19, Vega drove arrived in his car at the agreed meeting place and let the boy inside. He immediately asked him what he would like in bed.

At that moment, the undercover investigator revealed himself and arrested Vega.

On Wednesday, Rogelio Vega was charged with attempted sexual abuse of a juvenile and attempted distribution of pornographic content, among other charges. If convicted, the 50-year-old faces up to seven years in prison.

For now, the father of four has been released on a $50,000 bail, with his next court appearance set for January 25.

Cover photo: Saint Sebastian Roman Catholic Church

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