Clips of unsuspecting spa patrons found on porn site

Wrocław, Poland - So much for going to the spa to relax! Unsuspecting spa patrons were filmed while they were showering and the videos were uploaded to a porn site.

The camera was hidden near the showers and caught footage of patrons in the nude (stock image).
The camera was hidden near the showers and caught footage of patrons in the nude (stock image).  © 123RF/Vadim Guzhva

The illegally obtained footage was recording in a spa called Aquapark Wrocław in Poland.

The hidden cameras recorded footage of male patrons while they were showering. At least five clips were then found on a porn site in the subsection for gay porn, according to Gazeta Wrocławska, the local newspaper that broke the story.

Grzegorz Kaliszczak, the manager of the water park, had no idea that his customers were being filmed until he heard about the scandal in the media. Grzegorz told the Gazeta Wrocławska that, from the angle of the footage, it looks like the cameras were most likely hidden in the towel shelves near the water park's sauna showers. Kaliszczak said that he would report the incident to the police.

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The recordings allegedly showed the victims privates and their faces. Allegedly, viewers could even hear bits of their conversations. If the time and date stamp from the footage found on the porn site is correct, the clips are from August 16 and September 19, 2020.

The whole situation is further complicated by the fact that this isn't the first time Aquapark has found itself in an awkward situation. A few months before, a client informed the management that an adult site had footage that appeared to have been recorded in the "nude" area of the spa.

According to Kaliszczak the videos were removed from the website after the facility's lawyer got involved.

Cover photo: 123RF/Vadim Guzhva

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