Black cat saves dog sibling from terrifying backyard coyote attack

Edmond, Oklahoma - A small dog attacked by two coyotes in the backyard was saved by a surprising hero: a house cat!

A black cat heroically saved a small dog from an attack by a coyote.
A black cat heroically saved a small dog from an attack by a coyote.  ©

The incident took place on November 30 in Edmond, Oklahoma. Oakley, a six-year-old female Havanese, was in the backyard doing her business when a coyote suddenly pounced on her.

A second coyote also tried to take a bite out of the puppy in the terrifying encounter, which was caught by the home's security camera.

Thankfully, Oakley had her own bodyguard keeping a watchful eye on her. When the coyotes attacked her, Binx, a young outdoor cat, took action.

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The kitty jumped off a wall, puffed herself up, moved toward the attackers, and chased them off in a flash. Thanks to the cat's intervention, the coyotes let go of the dog and fled the garden, allowing Oakley to run back inside.

"It was inspiring to see just our little outdoor cat just jump at two coyotes that were attacking this little dog who she loves and run them off," the pet owner, Lane Dyer, told KFOR-TV.

Though Oakley was able to escape, she did not emerge unharmed.

Outdoor cat saves Havanese's life during coyote attack

Oakley, who was "gushing blood" after having been bitten by the coyote, quickly received veterinary care thanks to Binx's intervention.

Initially, the vets feared she might lose her leg, but fortunately, amputation was not necessary. The dog is currently recovering, Dyer confirmed with relief, and after four weeks, she has already made a good recovery.

Binx and Oakley have been close ever since the neighborhood stray cat started hanging out at their house when she was just two months old, and the feline has made the Dyers' backyard "her domain."

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