Top 10 grumpy cat breeds
Grumpy cats are all the rage, showering our social media feeds with their catitude and seemingly bad tempers. What cat breeds are the grumpiest, and what cat should you adopt if you're in love with crabby kitties? Read on!

Has there ever been a cat better known and more beloved than Tardar Sauce, the iconic grumpy cat herself? Her extraordinary cuteness shocked the internet, bringing with her an acceptance of kitties who perhaps don't have the most joyful or friendly expressions emblazoned upon their fluffy little faces.
If you're a fan of Tardar Sauce herself, and want a cat that will be perfectly prickly, it's time to find yourself a testy feline.
These are our picks for the top ten grumpy cat breeds in the world.
Grumpiest cat breeds in the world: Top 10
So let's set aside the grumpy cat herself and let her rest in peace, instead focusing on individual cat breeds known to be a little testy. To qualify for this list, cats have to fit one of two qualifying factors: either look grumpy or have a habit of commonly behaving like an ill-tempered and overly touchy troublemaker.
Not every cat that belongs to one of these breeds will actually be grumpy. But if you are looking to adopt a fluffy fellow who'll remind you of Tardar Sauce, you'll want to choose one of these ten grumpy-looking cat breeds.

10. Scottish fold
The Scottish fold is famous for its unique ears, from which it gets its name, as well as its extraordinary personality. While they can often be very friendly and are always exceedingly cute, many Scottish fold owners find their fluffy little dudes to both look and behave a little grumpy a lot of the time. There's no particular reason for it, and you've got nothing to worry about from the grumpiness, but it's a quirk worth paying attention to.
9. Himalayan

Possibly one of the grumpiest looking cats in the world, the Himalayan actually has a heart of gold. These fluffy dudes seem to have a permanent frown upon their faces, staring out the window with forlorn expressions that almost imply that their owners are too busy to pay attention to them. Don't take it to heart, though, because it's more likely your kitty just looks that way.
8. Oriental shorthair

With its giant ears and temperamental mood, the Oriental shorthair is a grumpy looking little one, and a cat that'll need a lot of attention. Active and incredibly pushy, these beautiful but difficult felines might not look particularly grumpy, but can get into foul moods pretty darn quick. When this happens, take a step back and go with the flow, and they'll get over their grumpiness eventually.
7. Bombay

Bombay cats are some of the sweetest and most loving cats in the world, but when pushed, these little dudes can quickly turn into irritated balls of spiky claws. Keep calm around your kitty if it gets like this, because it can't really control its tendencies when something bothers it - after all, it's a cat, not a human. The fact that Bombay cats can be a bit grumpy shouldn't put you off, either, because they actually make wonderful pets.
6. Bengal cat

Famous for their stripes and endless beauty, there's a wildness about the Bengal that's more than worth paying attention to. With big eyes and piercing stares, these four-pawed fellows are keen to let you know not just what they think, but what they want as well. And if you don't do what a Bengal cat wants, it might get incredibly grumpy very quickly.
5. Somali cat

Somali cats aren't actually all that grumpy, they're actually very friendly, but boy-oh-boy can they look like they really want to be left alone. With big eyes that seemingly stare at you with the attitude you'd expect from a teenager, these fluffy cats with their long whiskers and fluffy fur almost appear to cry out at the slightest inconvenience. Yet, these grumpy-looking cats are some of the best pets you can ever hope for.
4. Munchkin

With tiny squat legs that waddle along at speeds far too slow to be comfortable, it's no wonder that the munchkin cat can be a little grumpy every now and again. They have mobility troubles on account of their genetics, and that must be very irritating for the little fellows. Still, while they might be grumpy every now and again, they certainly know how to steal your heart.
3. Pixie-bob

A relatively unknown breed of cat, the pixie-bob is famous for its grumpy looks. Incredibly adorable, these multicolored kitties are some of the best companions you'll ever have, even if they're a little rare. Yet, sometimes it just seems these little dudes are a bit sick and tired of all the huge and cuddles, and really just want to be left alone.
2. Siamese

One of the most famous and well-known cat breeds in the world, the Siamese generally falls into one of two camps: 1) Ridiculously friendly, happy, and active, or 2) Grumpy, thoughtful, and moody. If your Siamese falls into the latter category, we sympathize, and it will likely be quite a grumpy kitty. Don't worry too much, though, it'll probably still enjoy a good cuddle now and then, so give it some love.
1. Sphynx

The Sphynx is an obvious choice for the world's grumpiest cat, both because of its striking hairless look and because of its attitude towards life. These dudes can get into absolutely foul moods sometimes, and due to their utter lack of fur and fluff, their grumpiness is more obvious and far less adorable than it is in other kitties.
There are some wacky and grumpy cats out there in the world
While not every single one of these cats will guarantee you a grumpy cat, they will guarantee you a cute and quirky little one that's more than likely to steal your heart. From the funny-looking Scottish fold to the strangeness of the Sphynx, prickly kitties might present the risk of a few scratches or bites now and then, but they'll also shower you with love and happiness.
Sure, some cats are wacky, and grumpy cat breeds are more likely than others to fit into the wacky category, but that's part of the fun, isn't it? These ten breeds might seem grumpy, but beneath the gruff exterior they really have hearts of gold.
Cover photo: Unsplash/Sergey Semin