Where should cats sleep at night? The best places for a catnap

Many cat owners love to make a cozy spot in their own beds for their feline friends, but is this actually a good idea? Where should your cat sleep tonight, and what can you do to give your kitty the best sleep possible?

Treat your cat to the perfect sleeping spot!
Treat your cat to the perfect sleeping spot!  © 123rf / Springbuddies

To say that cats need more sleep than humans is an understatement.

Whilst the average human needs around eight or nine hours of shuteye, our feline friends require nearly double that. Of course, the exact number depends on their age, breed, personality, and environment, but it's still going to be a lot. That means it's good to give your cat the best possible sleeping setup.

Unlike you or me, a cat spends relatively little time in deep sleep, and much more in a calm resting state, which means it will be easily woken up by the slightest noise. Cats are very jumpy animals, so you're going to want to give them an environment which reduces anxiety, makes them feel safe, and gives them a chance to truly chill.

This cat's response to little girl owner's absence is adorably dramatic!
Cats This cat's response to little girl owner's absence is adorably dramatic!

The TAG24 cat guide is here to give you a sense of what that environment may look like. So how can you make your kitty comfortable and improve its sleep?

Where should my cat sleep at night?

The first thing we need to do is clear something up: you're not really going to be the one who chooses your cat's sleeping spot. Let's be real, cats are the alphas in their household and we who feed them are nothing but pawns in their greater plans.

That being said, there are a few things we can do to perhaps "entice" them to sleep somewhere that's a little bit more practical or convenient. If they decide that your lap is where that's at, though, there's not much that you can do about it.

Here are a few favorite cat sleeping spots:

  • On top of the couch
  • On any blanket anywhere, anytime
  • On top of their scratching post
  • On our legs, preferably at the most inconvenient time
  • In the crook of our bent legs when we're sleeping
  • In the doorway
  • In the sink
  • On comfy seats and couches

The key to finding your cat its optimal sleeping spot is getting to know its individual preferences and, of course, coming to terms with the fact that it, no you, is in charge.

In this respect, though, there are a few factors to consider when setting up your home to be as cat-friendly as possible.

Cats absolutely love a warm and comfortable spot to sleep. Don't give 'em hot cocoa, though.
Cats absolutely love a warm and comfortable spot to sleep. Don't give 'em hot cocoa, though.  © 123rf / Kozorog

Cats should sleep in a quiet place

For a cat to truly reach the apex of its sleeping abilities, it needs a nice and quiet spot to put on the zees. Whilst your kitty may decide on a whim to take a nap in a busy doorway, in the middle of a bustling room, or in the kitchen sink, it would much rather have somewhere quiet to sleep.

As a result, wherever you set up your little cat sleeping nooks, they should be quiet and peaceful – close enough to the humans but far enough for there to be some peace and quiet.

Cats should sleep in a protected location

Cats are delicate creatures and don't like dozing in drafty spots, direct sunlight, humid bathrooms, or open spaces where they could be attacked by a feline foe. Ultimately, cats need to feel protected from the elements and from others when they are sleeping.

Here are some things to consider when plotting a cat's sleeping place:

  • Cats like it to be warm, and will often settle in the sun. During the summer, though, there is a risk of sunburn on their mouth, nose, and ears, as well as overheating. Similar dangers come from positioning them directly in front of a fireplace.
  • You don't want to expose your cat to constant drafts and humidity. This can weaken their immune systems, making them more susceptible to respiratory illness, colds, and infections.

Make sure that your cat is well protected when it sleeps. It is vulnerable, and not particularly smart when it comes to sun care and such.

Cats should have safety and security

Cats like to be hidden from direct view, whilst easily being able to see their full surroundings at a moment's glance. This gives them an extra sense of security, and keeps them calm and in control of their territory.

Generally, your cat would prefer a sleeping spot that's in the corner somewhere, so that it can see across the whole room. It needs to be partially obscured, but not totally out of view.

Cats should be comfortable and cozy

Just like humans, cats like to be cozy and warm when they sleep. That means something soft and supportive to lie on, a nice warm blanket that makes for a cozy mood. Unlike people, that last point is less important for our feline friends, who seem to be able to sleep anywhere at the drop of a hat.

That doesn't mean that they won't appreciate it, though. Your cat should be given the opportunity to sleep in a calm, comfortable, and plush place.

A few great cat sleeping spots

If your cat constantly goes missing, it's possibly because the fickle feline has crept away to somewhere it can get a noiseless nap. There are tons of places they could be and, as a result, tons of places where you could set up the optimal spot for a cat to sleep.

Here are a few examples:

  • The cave area of a cat tree
  • The top of a cat tree
  • A basket under the sofa or coffee table
  • Under a favorite blanket
  • Near the radiator
  • On top of a cushion
  • Beside the windowsill
  • Flaked out on the couch

Hot tip: When taking in a very young kitten, let it sleep in the same bed as you right from the beginning. It's good for the kitten to get used to being apart from its mother and siblings.

Should your cat sleep in your bed?

Cats can sleep in many positions.
Cats can sleep in many positions.  © 123rf / Ahulilabutin

Okay, so there's no way that you're going to be able to limit your cat's sleeping spot to just one place. Your furry friend is far too picky and far too sleepy for that to work. The closest you'll get to the perfect destination, though, is pretty straightforward: your cat will likely want to sleep on your bed each and every night.

Is it recommended? Well, it is fine, but not under these conditions:

  • If a baby or small child also sleeps there
  • If you are allergic to cat fur
  • If you have asthma
  • If your cat has not been housebroken yet
Little kittens gobble up their owner's dinner – to the delight of TikTok!
Cats Little kittens gobble up their owner's dinner – to the delight of TikTok!

And here are a few extra things to take care of before brining in your cat for a sleepover:

  • Deworm your cat
  • Take precautions against parasites like ticks and cat fleas
  • Change your bedding very regularly
  • Regularly brush your cat to reduce the loose fur in its coat

It is perfectly fine to have your cat sleep in the bed with you, you just need to take these precautions first.

Cats need to catch those zees

Every person and animal needs to sleep in some form or another, and that sleeping process is incredibly important to our health and happiness. As a result, you would be a fool to deprive your cat of good sleeping spots around the house.

Let's be real, though, it's kind of hard to deprive a cat of sleep. They will always find good places to sleep, no matter how hard you try to keep them awake. Having said that, your pet will always appreciate you giving it as many choices as possible.

Cover photo: 123rf / Springbuddies

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