Brave man jumps into icy river to save drowning dog!

Washington County, Vermont - A daring man recently saved the life of a dog that fell into a freezing cold river, and the whole thing was documented in a heroic viral video!

A daring man recently saved the life of a dog that fell into a freezing cold river, and the whole thing was documented in a heroic viral video!
A daring man recently saved the life of a dog that fell into a freezing cold river, and the whole thing was documented in a heroic viral video!  © Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Morgan Cerasoli

According to the New York Post, Chris MacRitchie didn't hesitate for a second on the afternoon in Berlin, Vermont when his son spotted a dog in the Winooski River as the two were passing through a Dunkin' Donuts drive-through.

Once on the riverbank, the father immediately went to the rescue.

A video posted on social media shows the brave man, dressed in just a T-shirt and jogging bottoms, climbing into the river and wading over to the poor four-legged friend to pull her out.

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MacRitchie's wife can be heard from off-camera encouraging him.

"The only real stress I had about it wasn’t getting in the cold water. It was the depth. I did not know if it was 20 feet deep or it was 2 feet deep," MacRitchie said.

"When I broke through and I got on my feet and it was like waist-high, I was actually relieved by that. In my mind, during the moment, I thought, 'OK this isn’t that bad. Yeah, it’s cold, but I feel this is a very doable situation.'"

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The 7-year-old dog – whose name was Arizona – had a telephone number on her tag and her owners were quickly located.

"I started crying, and I told him, 'Oh, my God, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. Let me pull a U-turn and I’m coming right back,'" said Arizona's owner Morgan Cerasoli, who was heading out to pick her daughter up from school when she got the call from MacRitchie.

Scantily clad, Chris MacRitchie pulls the drowning dog out of the water and saves its life.
Scantily clad, Chris MacRitchie pulls the drowning dog out of the water and saves its life.  © Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Morgan Cerasoli

Seeing the video of her dog's rescue had Cerasoli in tears once again.

"It’s brave, it’s selfless, it’s commendable. It’s everything that I think that we were on this Earth to be... Sometimes it feels like that’s very rare these days," she said.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Morgan Cerasoli

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