Top 10 best Japanese dog breeds

The Japanese are famous for their love of cats and the tremendous culture that surrounds their feline friends. But what about the dogs of Japan? Surely they deserve to get some love as well?

There are many Japanese dog breeds out there.
There are many Japanese dog breeds out there.  © IMAGO/ZUMA Press Wire

Out of the many cats and dogs that inhabit Japanese homes, few are as special as those dog breeds which originate from the island nation itself. What are the best Japanese dog breeds out there, and what makes them so unbelievably cute and special? Let's take a look.

What are the best Japanese dog breeds? Top 10

Few creature are as unique and interesting as dog breeds that originate from one of the world's most cat-positive nations. All of the dogs on this list are cute bundles of fluff deserving of love and recognition.

Japanese dog breeds are unique in their looks and personalities and can be some of the sweetest and most devoted pets out there. Which ones are the best and sweetest?

The Ryukyu Inu is a generally unknown dog breed, but quite sweet.
The Ryukyu Inu is a generally unknown dog breed, but quite sweet.  © IMAGO/Zoonar

10. Ryukyu Inu

These medium-sized dogs are unknown for a reason. Native to Okinawa in Japan, the Ryukyu is an endangered doggo that numbers as few as 400 by some estimates. They are beloved creatures with the typical Inu-curved tail and smallish eyes which contrast with big spiky ears. While rare, the Ryukyu Inu is an interesting and beautiful Japanese dog breed well worth recognizing in this list.

9. Kai Ken

Kai Kens are interesting and unique dogs.
Kai Kens are interesting and unique dogs.  © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

Kai Kens, sometimes referred to as the tiger dog, are strange and unusual animals native to the Kai region in Yamanashi prefecture. These medium-sized dogs are relatively rare, and are protected under Japanese law as a result. With distinct features and a strong body, the Kai Ken is a unique dog breed worth much more attention than it gets.

8. Akita

The Akita is an incredibly popular and cute Japanese dog breed.
The Akita is an incredibly popular and cute Japanese dog breed.  © imago/Westend61

A large Japanese dog breed from the north of the country, the Akita is famous for its thick and soft coat as well as its incredible fluffiness, calm personality, and happy vibes. While the Akita may have traditionally been used to hunt bears and as guard dogs, nowadays they are popular pets in Japan. There truly are few Japanese dogs more beautiful and iconic than the Akita.

7. Japanese terrier

There are few dogs stranger and more odd-looking than the Japanese terrier.
There are few dogs stranger and more odd-looking than the Japanese terrier.  © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

The Japanese terrier is very similar to the Jack Russell terrier, though with a different color scheme and a few distinct characteristics. They are tiny little dogs indigenous to Japan and famous for being cheerful, affectionate, full of energy, and always looking out for their humans. These short-haired dogs might look a little wacky, but they are well worth paying attention to.

6. Tosa Inu

Tosa Inuses might look lazy, but they're actually quite strong.
Tosa Inuses might look lazy, but they're actually quite strong.  © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

The Tosa Inu is a beautiful and friendly Japanese dog breed that has become increasingly rare over recent years. This is largely due to the breed's history with Japanese dog fighting, a sport of which the Tosa is now the only breed still legally allowed to participate in. Of course, as a fighting dog, the Tosa Inu is seriously strong and can be quite aggressive at times, but these gorgeous creatures are incredibly loyal and really have hearts of gold.

5. Japanese spitz

The Japanese spitz is a beautiful little creature.
The Japanese spitz is a beautiful little creature.  © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

A tiny little dog famous for closely resembling the Pomeranian, the Japanese spitz is one of the most poplar, adorable, and lovable Japanese dog breeds in the entire world. Only around 10-13 inches in height, these little dudes can go with you basically anywhere, which is a great thing because they are also remarkably friendly and easy-going and always keen for a cuddle.

4. Hokkaido

The energy of a Hokkaido is hard to compare.
The energy of a Hokkaido is hard to compare.  © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

Not to be mistaken for a pumpkin, these golden doggos are basically the Japanese equivalent of a golden retriever. They are a breed that originates from Japan, native to the Hokkaido prefecture, but nowadays, the Hokkaido dog is perhaps Japan's most widely-celebrated and famous dog internationally. They are known for their curved tails, short-but-spiked ears, strong legs, and endless energy.

3. Japanese chin

Similar to the chihuahua, the Japanese chin is absolutely gorgeous.
Similar to the chihuahua, the Japanese chin is absolutely gorgeous.  © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

Also commonly referred to as the Japanese spaniel, the Japanese chin is a toy dog breed famous for being a beautiful and funny little lapdog. Out of all the comparable dog breeds, from chihuahuas to dachshunds, these fluffy dudes truly take the ticket both for their hilarious personalities and their looks. Japanese chins are a fascinating breed with a long history that dates back to around AD 1000.

2. Shikoku

The shikoku is truly a one-of-a-kind dog breed.
The shikoku is truly a one-of-a-kind dog breed.  © IMAGO/Pond5 Images

Another native Japanese breed, these doggos have been around for years and are currently designated as a culturally important national treasure. We're not very surprised, either, as the Shikoku is not only a quirky little creature, but also a beautiful dog that's full of energy and constantly in need of hugs. These medium dogs deserve all the love they can get.

1. Shiba Inu

Is there any Japanese dog breed sweeter and cuter than the Shiba Inu?
Is there any Japanese dog breed sweeter and cuter than the Shiba Inu?  © imago/Westend61

The Shiba Inu is by far the most iconic and wonderful Japanese dog breed in the world. These yellow dogs contrast their ridiculous cuteness and softness with a body that's strong and muscular, capable of defending their humans and providing them with fun and entertainment all at the same time. They are a famous and beautiful dog whose attention is well-deserved.

Out of the many dogs that inhabit this list, few come close to Shiba Inu in terms of cuteness and quirkiness. It is a great way to round off this remarkable list, and truly one of the greatest Japanese dog breeds out there.

Cover photo: IMAGO/ZUMA Press Wire

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