Top 10 cuddliest dog breeds in the world
If you've ever owned a dog, you've likely enjoyed its affection. Yet, some dogs are more affectionate than others, and some show their affection in different ways. Which dog breeds are the cuddliest?

That feeling of your beloved dog's moist muzzle bumping against your leg in an attempt to get your attention is incomparable. Our canine pals love our company and affection, and they're constantly looking to get as many hugs and kisses as they can.
But not every dog is as affectionate as another might be, so what are the cuddliest dog breeds in the world?
What are the cuddliest dog breeds? Top 10
Dogs come in all different shapes and sizes, and even the personality of your pooch will vary not only from breed to breed but from dog to dog. Yet, some dogs are far more keen for a cuddle than others, and some dogs love physical affection so much that it can even get a little bit overbearing.
If you are looking for a dog that'll cuddle close and pay you lots of attention, then these ten cuddly dog breeds are for you. In the case that you want a dog that's a little more detached, these are not the picks for you.

10. Chihuahua
Chihuahuas are an extremely cuddly breed of dog despite their remarkable feistiness and excessive eagerness. These little bundles of energy are incredibly loving, affectionate, and in need of attention, and despite being irritating little creatures from time to time, are well worth the energy and time it takes to train them into well-rounded little doggos. It might seem that the chihuahua is all angst with little substance, but they're actually some of the sweetest dogs around.
9. Dachshund

Dachshunds are some of the most stubborn and headstrong dogs out there and can be a constant trouble to owners who just want to get on with their day. On the flip side, though, these short-haired little sniffers love their humans with an undying passion and are constantly eager to cuddle up and get warm and cozy in front of the TV. As a result, and as we pointed out in our Dachshund-in-profile, the humble Dachshund is one of the cuddliest dog breeds out there.
8. Maltese

Due to their charming and affectionate nature, the Maltese is a dog breed known for its incredible love for a good cuddle. Few dogs enjoy spending time with their humans more and really live up to their reputation as lapdogs. It's worth noting, however, that they are also prone to separation anxiety due to a habit of becoming panicked and extremely unhappy when their humans leave them home alone. It might be a bit of an issue, but it's one based on love and a genuinely gentle character, so we can hardly complain!
7. Cavalier King Charles spaniel

Cavalier King Charles spaniels are one of the cutest and cuddliest dogs around. These medium-sized pups might be expensive, but they are well worth every penny because, let's be real, few dogs can compare to these woofers when it comes to how loving, playful, and adaptable they are. They might need a lot of human interaction to stay happy, but they're such sweethearts that you'll rarely get annoyed by their obsessiveness.
6. Staffordshire terriers

When placed in loving hands, the Staffordshire terrier can actually be a pretty mellow and friendly doggo. They are quite big and bulky, bred to hunt and run, but when put in the right hands, these muscular pooches quickly become good-natured, even-tempered, and easy to be around. While you should be aware that when untrained, these doggos can be wild and sometimes quite dangerous, most well-trained domestic Staffordshire terriers would far rather cuddle than crunch.
5. American pit bull terrier

Pit bulls are hardly what you would think of when it comes to cuddly dogs. Yet, the American pit bull terrier can actually be an unbelievably affectionate dog that requires many cuddles and a lotta love! It's best to be careful, though, and make sure that you get to know your dog properly before going in for cuddles, as these dogs are bred to fight for a reason and can be very violent, strong, and unpredictable in the wrong hands.
4. Great dane

It might be hard to believe, but it's true: Great danes are some of the most incredibly cuddly creatures in the world. Many people underestimate their temperament due to their body size and look, but great danes are generally very calm and collected creatures with a gentle and even-tempered nature that's constantly looking for approval, love, cuddles, and attention. They have hearts nearly as big as their bodies – and full of gold!
3. Bernese mountain dog

Bernese mountain dogs have an incredibly stately look to them, something that deeply contrasts with their friendly faces and massive amounts of fluff and fur. Often weighing significant amounts, they might not be the most ideal lapdog around, but they certainly want to be. In fact, Bernese mountain dogs are incredibly family-friendly and patient dogs, and few things excite them more than the prospect of a proper cuddle.
2. Labrador retriever

Similar to golden retrievers, labrador retrievers are good-humored and loving dogs that are always eager to make you feel happy. The main difference here is their looks (golden retrievers are clearly the cuter breed!) and their constant need for exercise and to keep busy. It's very important that a labrador retriever is provided with plenty of training, access to the outdoors, and a lot of human interaction. The labrador retriever is a loyal and loving companion and one of the most cuddle-loving creatures on planet Earth.
1. Golden retriever

The golden retriever is a quintessential family dog – and possibly the cuddliest creature in the world. Incredibly patient, kind, friendly, and harmonious, these beautiful golden doggos love to spend time with their humans, playing games, eating food, and just lying around relaxing like there's nothing wrong with the world. Ultimately, you'll never beat a golden retriever's playfulness, humor, cuteness, and need for love. They are just simply the best!
All ten of the cuddliest dog breeds in the world will make great pets, but few will beat the last few. They are insanely lovable and perfect for small, new families who want a dog in the house. Adopt wisely, and you'll have a better pet than you could have ever asked for!
Cover photo: Unsplash/Sasha Sashina