Puppies rescued from almost certain death at the dump!

Saskatchewan, Canada - These baby dogs are very lucky that someone spotted them huddling together for warmth in a box at a snow-covered dump in Canada. The poor babies probably wouldn't have survived the cold without some help.

A litter of puppy dogs got rescued from a snow covered dump!
A litter of puppy dogs got rescued from a snow covered dump!  © Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Pretty in Pink Animal Rescue

The devastating pics posted by Pretty in Pink Animal Rescue will tug on any animal lover's heartstrings.

The photos show seven abandoned pups snuggling together to keep warm in a cardboard box.

Luckily, a passerby spotted the litter of pups at a remote dump in Saskatchewan, Canada.

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Dogs Dog and baby show off Halloween spirit with delightfully haunting costumes!

The concerned citizen alerted the local authorities, who called Pretty in Pink Animal Rescue.

"We just received a message about seven puppies left in a crate at a landfill in a remote community," the organization wrote on Facebook along with pics of the poor pups.

Lindy Adams and Kristen Schick, the founders of Pretty in Pink Animal Rescue, told The Dodo that the find was disturbing but not all that shocking: "It's always upsetting, but it's no longer surprising, as we see it so often."

On Facebook, the rescuers announced they'd try to get the pups transferred to them in Prince Albert, but that was only half the battle.

"We need fosters to take in these poor abandoned pups. All supplies are covered you supply the love!" they said.

Abandoned puppies are on the mend

Luckily, the rescue organization found foster families for the little dogs and the pups are healing. "Overall, they are doing well," said Adams and Schick.

The founders of Pretty in Pink Animal Rescue told The Dodo that they hope this story will inspire others to act as foster parents and concerned citizens to alert their local authorities.

The organization will keep helping the pups and is accepting donations for puppy kibble.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Pretty in Pink Animal Rescue

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