Puppy survives after being nursed back to health by a huge dog hero

Epsom, UK - A tiny disabled puppy was nursed back to health by an older dog in an incredible story that lives up to her namesake: Hope.

Experts said that Hope had little chance of surviving.
Experts said that Hope had little chance of surviving.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Dog Communication

The Yorkshire terrier puppy, who weighed just under half a pound when she was born, arrived at the Epsom Canine Rescue Shelter in the suburbs of London with deformed hind legs from an unusual birth defect.

Animal rescue workers had little "hope" that the puppy would survive, giving her a name to see her through the heartbreaking condition.

Hope's care was taken over by Laura McAuliffe, a dog behavioral expert who runs Dog Communication. The Facebook community and training service focuses on dogs with special needs.

Cat's rare "galaxy" of white spots makes him a social media star!
Cats Cat's rare "galaxy" of white spots makes him a social media star!

McAuliffe documented the disabled puppy's amazing recovery on her page for weeks – and the development of a furry friendship.

Sylvi, McAuliffe's 100-pound Northern Inuit hound, took to Hope like a foster mom. Their age and size difference made them an unlikely pair.

"Sylvi slept next to the cardboard box Hope slept in from the moment she arrived," McAuliffe said to the Daily Star. "She rushes into the room if Hope cries."

Hope's little legs were put into splints, and she needed bottle feeding every hour.

Yet, Sylvi the dog never left her side and is credited with nursing her back to health.

Sylvi did not leave Hope's side and supported her for weeks.
Sylvi did not leave Hope's side and supported her for weeks.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Dog Communication

Hope miraculously recovered

Now, Hope can play and romp around with her dog buddy Sylvi.
Now, Hope can play and romp around with her dog buddy Sylvi.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Dog Communication

Sylvi and McAuliffe provided round the clock care as Hope the puppy fought for her life.

"It was totally exhausting but we were the only chance she had and she was worth it," the dog expert said.

Sylvi has lived with McAuliffe for five years and has always looked after new puppies that occasionally need help and temporary care from the rescue center.

Cat without ears is given the sweetest present from crafty foster mom
Cats Cat without ears is given the sweetest present from crafty foster mom

Miraculously, Hope was able to walk without using splints after a few weeks of care and therapy.

Veternarians say that she may need surgeries in the future to correct the bones in her legs – but for now, she is thriving.

Facebook videos of the dog duo and their amazing story have warmed the hearts of viewers.

"It’s been a joy to watch her progress – she is a little fighter," one viewer commented.

Hope has provided inspiration to many dog lovers who can't wait to watch the pup reach more milestones – with Sylvi by her side.

Cover photo: Facebook/Screenshots/ Dog Communication

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