Meghan Markle faces disturbing attack from The Sun columnist Jeremy Clarkson

London, UK - Just days after discussing the devastating impact of the tabloids in the new Netflix docuseries, Meghan Markle has once again found herself the victim of horrific online abuse.

Meghan Markle has found herself the victim of online abuse from a columnist for The Sun.
Meghan Markle has found herself the victim of online abuse from a columnist for The Sun.  © ANGELA WEISS / AFP

On Friday, Jeremy Clarkson expressed his "cellular level" hatred towards the Duchess of Sussex in a column for The Sun.

One extremely disturbing excerpt from the column references a scene from Game of Thrones as the 62-year-old journalist describes his horrific fantasies about Markle.

"At night, I'm unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, 'Shame!' and throw lumps of excrement at her," Clarkson wrote.

The column garnered more than 6,000 complaints to The Sun.

Side-stepping any real accountability, Clarkson responded to the backlash with a tweet on Monday: "Oh dear. I've rather put my foot in it. In a column I wrote about Meghan, I made a clumsy reference to a scene in Game of Thrones and this has gone down badly with a great many people. I'm horrified to have caused so much hurt and I shall be more careful in [the] future."

The column was then removed from the site, with The Sun leaving a message in its place: "In light of Jeremy Clarkson's tweet, he has asked us to take last week's column down."

Clarkson's attack on Meghan Markle highlights a disturbing trend

Prince Harry (l) and Meghan Markle opened up about how the cruel treatment of Meghan in the media led them to step down as royals.
Prince Harry (l) and Meghan Markle opened up about how the cruel treatment of Meghan in the media led them to step down as royals.  © Kirsty O'Connor / POOL / AFP

Clarkson's unwillingness to issue any form of genuine apology to Meghan, paired with The Sun's willingness to publish a blatantly misogynistic attack, illustrate a profoundly disturbing trend in the press.

The impact of Clarkson's vicious attack on Meghan – which went so far as to compare the Duchess to serial killer Rose West – did not end when the column was taken down. Giving someone the platform to post such disturbing rhetoric in the first place only helps further legitimize and fuel misogynistic ideology on a larger scale.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan underscored this in his response to the article, tweeting: "As Jeremy Clarkson should well know – words have consequences. The words in his piece are no joke - they're dangerous and inexcusable. We are in an epidemic of violence against women and girls and men with powerful voices must do better than this."

Clarkson's daughter, Emily, expressed her opposition to the column on Instagram.

"I want to make it very clear that I stand against everything my dad said about Meghan Markle and I remain standing in support of those who are targeted with online abuse," she said, per The Telegraph.

Social media users defend Meghan Markle

The column comes on the heels of Meghan's candid discussion in the Netflix docuseries Harry & Meghan about the devastating impact of persistent media attacks.

"You are making people want to kill me," she said in the series. "It's not just a tabloid. It's not just some story. You are making me scared." Meghan further described the fear she felt for her children's safety, while Prince Harry identified the stress from the rampant media attacks as a contributing factor to Meghan's miscarriage in 2020.

"Meghan Markle looked straight into a camera and told tabloid publishers they were making people want to kill her," one Twitter user wrote. "Days later The Sun runs an article where a well [known] media figure fantasizes about committing sexual violence against her. Like what the f**k do you say?"

With Clarkson's attack coming just a day after the docuseries dropped, it's clear that many in the British media are willing not only to ignore Meghan's pain, but to also allow the horrific cycle to continue.

Cover photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP

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