Couple tears down a wall in their doomed new home to reveal an incredible hidden discovery

Oklahoma - An Oklahoma couple's first venture into home-owning did not go as planned.

Mia's partner wanted to know exactly what was behind the wall, so he tore it down in an incredible TikTok video.
Mia's partner wanted to know exactly what was behind the wall, so he tore it down in an incredible TikTok video.  © Screenshot/TikTok/mia_bug

Mia and her partner moved into their first home and knew right away that they needed a renovation – stat!

The TikToker made a video she titled "things in my house that don't make sense", which included swinging saloon doors, shelves hung upside down, crooked door frames, and even a hole filled with dirty underwear!

"We had a budget of under $150,000, if possible, which is really hard in this market," the couple said on TikTok of their fixer-upper. "We knew that there was going to be some work that had to be done, naturally."

While the bargain buy seemed doomed from the start, the couple couldn't have guessed the incredible discovery they were about to find.

The house's seller had told them there was a leak in the bathroom, and that behind a closed off wall was a simple drain pan for water.

They had no idea what they were in for.

When Mia's husband tore down the wall, it revealed an entire concealed room! It was like stepping into a portal to another world – complete with a huge shower and old soap inside.

The plumbing in the newly discovered second bathroom was exposed - so there was even more work ahead for the pair than they had anticipated.

Mia made two TikTok videos of the strange experience, which she posted on Friday. They have gone on to be viral hits and gained over 1.8 million clicks.

TikTok users have little sympathy for the house's seller

The removed wall revealed a hidden shower and exposed plumbing.
The removed wall revealed a hidden shower and exposed plumbing.  © Screenshot/TikTok/mia_bug

TikTok users couldn't believe the home's inspector chose not to disclose the important info of a whole hidden room to the new homeowners.

"Makes the house worth more," one commented. "You will have a nice upgrade."

"I think you can get them to pay to fix it for lying," wrote another, who agreed with thousands of comments suggesting the couple should sue to hold the seller accountable.

"It isn't worth fighting for," Mia replied. "More like annoyed at the lack of disclosure."

One user summed up what could have been an even more far-fetched sighting: "Good thing they didn't find a dead body!"

Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/mia_bug

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