TikTok taste test takes a terrible turn

Louisiana - Maryn Short wanted to try a new drink from her local Starbucks, but then she noticed something strange...

Maryn Short (19) is a regular Starbucks customer and often shares taste tests on TikTok (stock image).
Maryn Short (19) is a regular Starbucks customer and often shares taste tests on TikTok (stock image).  © 123rf/Roman Stetsyk

The TikTok user loves trying Starbucks coffee creations.

Most of Maryn's videos feature her holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

In a video she posted at the beginning of December, the young woman wanted to sample a new concoction in front of her followers.

Vanilla syrup, caramel drizzle, heavy cream, whipped cream, and ice spiced up the coffee drink, which the 19-year-old tasted live.

Then the shock came: Maryn didn't like the sweet mixture.

"This has no flavor," she explains before taking another sip.

"Why can't I taste it? Do I have Covid?" the teen asks, visibly shaken. Loss of taste is a common symptom of a coronavirus infection.

After trying the drink, Maryn had herself tested twice – once with a laboratory test and once with a rapid test. Both results came back positive.

Maryn Short wants to inform TikTok followers about coronavirus

Maryn Short noticed her coronavirus infection after losing her sense of taste.
Maryn Short noticed her coronavirus infection after losing her sense of taste.  © tiktok.com/@mcfluflu

In an interview with Today, the 19-year-old reported: "I didn't think about COVID immediately, when I realized I couldn't taste." It was only after the second sip that she began to suspect she might have been infected.

According to Maryn, the experience of suddenly not being able to taste anything could not be compared to any illness she had had before. The sensation was difficult to describe: "I could tell that the drink was sweet. But there was just no flavor to it at all. It was super weird."

In addition to loss of taste, Maryn had other symptoms like fever, but they were minor in her case.

The nursing student used her infection as an opportunity to educate her TikTok followers on coronavirus symptoms, treatment, and more.

"COVID can happen to anyone, and I didn't expect it to happen to me. I have been following the necessary guidelines and everything," Short explains, adding, "I realized this can really come from anywhere."

She advises her fans to get tested if any suspicions arise.

Cover photo: tiktok.com/@mcfluflu

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