TikTok user presents the worst apartment in New York City!

New York, New York - Have you ever thought about moving to New York City, but don't have a stable income yet? Well, maybe you should reconsider.

Left: the apartment. Right: the toilet, that is located on the other side of the hallway.
Left: the apartment. Right: the toilet, that is located on the other side of the hallway.  © TikTok/Screenshots/newyorkcityrealtor

After all, the prices are astronomically high. And it is getting worse and worse by the day, as realtor Cameron Knowlton proved on TikTok.

His video shows what, all things considered, must be the worst and most overpriced apartment in New York.

Within only a week, more than 20 million people watched the clip and either laughed or cried with horror.

Let's take a look at the price at first: $1650 a month. Not too bad, considering it is located in "the most desirable neighborhood in New York City", in Manhatten on 5th Avenue.

However, viewers are shocked by the apartment's size: it is nothing but a tiny room that barely fits a double bed. Except for a tiny closet and a kitchen counter with a sink, it's completely unfurnished.

And that's before you even get to see what passes off as a bathroom.

In order to use the bathroom, the tenant must travel a few feet

Cameron Knowlton is convinced: this has to be the worst apartment ever!
Cameron Knowlton is convinced: this has to be the worst apartment ever!  © TikTok/Screenshots/newyorkcityrealtor

Cameron Knowlton was quick to reveal the secret as he uploaded a second clip to his account two days later.

And as Cameron puts it, "it is literally just as bad as you could possibly imagine!"

In order to use the bathroom, the tenant has to leave the apartment and walk through the entire hallway into a separate room.

Aside from the fact that there's only one toilet for the entire complex, the space is so cramped that there's hardly enough space to sit down. This means you can forget about washing your hands after you're done – there's no sink in sight!

Taking a shower is just as complicated. Once again, the tenant must walk across the entire hallway to use a shared shower room.

So in the end, only one question remains: who is willing to spend so much money for so little space?

Cover photo: TikTok/Screenshots/newyorkcityrealtor

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