Budget-friendly drinking games for your next late night

Who doesn't love a good budget-friendly drinking game?

There's no better way to nightcap than with a budget-friendly drinking game!
There's no better way to nightcap than with a budget-friendly drinking game!  © Collage: joy9940 & ivashstudio/Canva

Nothing screams "summer" like a good drinking game that doesn't burn a hole through your wallet to set up.

Sure, you can have a casual wine night with the most delectable charcuterie board known to man and it'll probably be a good time.

But nothing stays in your memory, albeit fuzzy, like a night spent alongside friends and several drinking games on deck.

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Nowadays, there's no shortage of games one can play to get the job done, but some are excessively complex and time-consuming in all the wrong ways.

Why spend an hour setting up a game with countless rules and supply requirements when you can play a simple classic?

Whether you're hosting a party or a late-night after hitting the bars or a killer concert, try one of these budget-friendly drinking games on for size.

Drinking games are great for both small and large groups.
Drinking games are great for both small and large groups.  © bridgesward/pixabay
  • Drunk Jenga

Drunk Jenga is like normal Jenga but with challenges, dares, and truth-bomb-provoking questions written on each of the 54 blocks. All you have to do is customize the blocks by adding a specific task, game, or challenge like these suggestions before stacking them up

Each time someone pulls a block from the tower, they have to complete whatever ask is written on it before placing it on top. If the tower falls before the next person's turn, whoever caused it to crash has to chug their drink.

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The best part about this game is it can be played with both small and large groups.

  • Straight Face

As you likely know, it's hard to keep a straight face especially after a few boozy beverages, which makes this game all the more hilarious to play.

Simply have everyone write funny or inappropriate sentences or phrases on small pieces of paper and place them in the center with everyone circled around. Each player will then pick up one piece of paper and attempt to read whatever monstrosity was written while keeping a straight face.

If the one doing the reading laughs or makes any kind of facial expression, they must take a healthy swig!

  • King's Cup

This gem of a game has several names. Whether you call it Ring of Fire, Circle of Death, or King's Cup is irrelevant because they all mean the same thing.

For this one, have your crew sit around a table or in a big circle on the floor, driveway, or grassy area with a can of beer, hard seltzer, or canned craft cocktail in the middle with a deck of cards spiraled around it face down.

Each person then takes a turn drawing a card. The number on each card has a different action, which you can find here. Once the person who drew the card completes its required task, they must insert it under the can tab. Whoever causes the top pop or all the cards to fall out has to chug the can.

These budget-friendly drinking games are sure to turn any night into a rowdy time you'll partially remember for life!

Cover photo: Collage: joy9940 & ivashstudio/Canva

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