Man's online grocery order is more "fruitful" than he expected!

Twickenham, UK - When Nick James went to pick up his online grocery order, he saw that his apples had been substituted – for an Apple iPhone!

One British grocery shopper got a lot more than apples as a gift with his online order (stock image).
One British grocery shopper got a lot more than apples as a gift with his online order (stock image).  © Kenneth/123RF

In a brilliant promotion by UK supermarket chain Tesco, customers are getting the best grocery delivery of the year!

As Nick James told the DailyMail, he ordered the apples along with other products via Click & Collect at his local Tesco supermarket in Twickenham, UK.

When he went to pick them up, Tesco staff mysteriously told him there would be a "little surprise" in one of the many bags.

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Stores like Walmart sometimes throw-in sample packs of snacks or promotional items into grocery orders. But its unlikely that Nick expected an iPhone SE2020!

At first, Nick thought it was a joke, but the phone was real. A look at the enclosed note revealed that Nick had been the very lucky recipient of a supermarket gift promotion!

British Tesco shoppers are entered for the chance to win the iPhone retailing for $399 with the purchases of apples, of course.

Toilet cleaner comes with the chance to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7, and frozen codfish could get lucky shoppers AirPods. Parents in need of Pampers might get a Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 Black smartwatch, and if you order gnocchi, you could get your hands on a Nokia 3.4.

Grocery shopping as a raffle is an interesting idea. Maybe American grocery stores will take note!

Nick James tweets on his sensational good fortune

The iPhone was a wonderful gift for Nick, who passed it on to his son. The boy was delighted with it, Nick wrote on his Twitter account.

Cover photo: Collage: 123rf/Kenneth & Twitter/ TreedomTW1

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