Superwoman: pregnant wife rescues her husband from a shark attack
Marathon, Flordia - Andrew Eddy was snorkeling when he was suddenly attacked by a shark. His wife Margot did not hesitate to dive in and rescue her husband, despite the fact that she is pregnant.

Not long after Andrew entered the water, it turned red with blood.
The brutal shark attack was so sudden that the 30-year-old snorkeler had no idea what was happening.
Margot (29), however, reacted with lightning speed. When she saw the shark fin, the pregnant woman immediately dove into the water and pulled her wounded husband back to the boat.
Margot successfully got him to safety, but the bite on his shoulder was serious.
After receiving medical care from first responders Andrew was flown to the Ryder Trauma Center in Miami, the local sheriff's office said.
The attack and Margot Dukes heroic deed happened on Sunday at Sombrero Key Light, a lighthouse near the town of Marathon, Florida.
Witnesses confirmed the shark attack to People magazine. The animal was described as a large, aggressive bull shark.
Shark attacks are relatively rare in the Florida Keys. According to the University of Florida's records, there have been only 17 unprovoked shark attacks in Monroe County since 1882.
Andrew Eddy is lucky to have such a quick thinking and daring wife in Margot, entered the fray despite her pregnancy. She is now being praised and admired on social media for her selfless and heroic efforts.
Cover photo: Visarute Angkatavanich/123RF