At only 20 years old, this ink addict has 50 tattoos and a split tongue

Lucy Krasota has been obsessed with tattoos since she was a child, and that obsession only grew stronger once she reached adulthood.

Lucy has been obsessed with body modification since she was young.
Lucy has been obsessed with body modification since she was young.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@lucykrasota

Since she was 13 years old, Lucy has dreamed of getting tattoos all over her body.

She got her ears stretched when she was ten, then her hair colored, and once she turned 18 it was to the tattoo parlor she went, ready to be inked.

It was a simple hand stamp that she sought out first, but she was far from being finished with her journey.

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She wanted a breast augmentation, a split tongue, countless implants, and tattoos – and she wasn't going to be told otherwise.

"I followed it up with splitting my tongue, tattooing my face, and getting breast implants," she told The Mirror.

"I often watched videos of people who have a split tongue and realized I really wanted that for my transformation."

Now only 20 years old, Lucy's body is covered in body mods. She shares them on her TikTok channel where she boasts nearly 35,000 followers!

Ink addict reveals crazy tattoo transformation

Lucy's journey is not limited to a few tattoos. Instead, her body art has gone above and beyond to be unique and versatile. She has openly admitted that she wants to cover 100% of her body in ink.

"I also have stretched earlobes and more tattoos to come," she said. "I want to be completely tattooed until there are no more vacancies."

"So far I have three modifications but there are more to come. I have the split tongue and my silicone breasts. I don’t want to reveal the third," she added.

Yet, not everyone is happy with her decision to change her body so drastically. Her family is particularly at odds with her over the change, though she admits that things have "calmed down."

"My family had a very big problem with my change. There was a lot of discussion and argument. But I don’t care that people have a problem with it," she said.

"My advice is to think why you want it and is it the thing that will make you happy? You should only do it to please yourself and if you want to look badass!"

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@lucykrasota

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