"Carrot lady" has multiple carrot tattoos, put mom's ashes in carrot urn

With more than 30 carrot tattoos to her name and thousands of pieces of carrot merchandise, Zizi Howell wants to have more carrots than anyone else in the world.

Zizi Howell absolutely adores carrots, so much so that she has 35 carrot tats.
Zizi Howell absolutely adores carrots, so much so that she has 35 carrot tats.  © Collage: Screenshots/YouTube/@TLC

In a recent episode of My Crazy Obsession, mother-of-one Zizi Howell was proven to be a true carrot-based fanatic. She has 35 carrot tattoos and well over 1000 pieces of carrot memorabilia in her home.

According to Howell, she was in love with carrots "at first sight" and has, ever since, eaten carrot-based foods every day of her life. Her favorite carrot-based characteristic, though, is her set of tattoos.

"My name is Zizi Howell, and I'm obsessed with carrots," she declared in the documentary. "I have 35 carrots tattooed on my body, I have a 24-carrot armband, and I've got four tattooed on my other arm, six on my back, and a big carrot on my stomach."

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Howell also revealed that she had purchased a six-foot-tall fiberglass carrot to serve as her mother's coffin, spending more than $4,000 to have it custom-made.

She now keeps the carrot in her home as a piece of "carrot furniture" and says that it comforts her because she always knows that her mum is in a "good place."

But her carrot obsession doesn't end with a coffin and some tattoos, either. According to Howell, she spends several hours a day rearranging her extraordinary carrot collection.

"Here's a carrot jump rope, a cheese grater, soaps... If I see a really cute carrot item I will buy like five or six of them. I don't want anyone else to have that cute carrot item."

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Zizi Howell wants to be recognized for her extraordinary carrot collection and admits that when it comes to anything carrot-related she wants it "all to myself."

"I also have my personal community of carrot friends, which are my carrot plushies that I can hang out with," she explained. "My favorite is drunken carrot, he's my little buddy."

"I have a carrot paper towel holder, birthday candles, and carrot slippers... I just want to have the most carrots in the world."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/YouTube/@TLC

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