Ink addict Remy's radical chest transformation proves you can tattoo over black

Lethbridge, Canada - Almost entirely in black and white, Remy's chest piece was a stunning tattoo contrasting with the black-out ink that covered the remainder of his torso.

Remy made the radical decision to ink out his iconic chest tattoo!
Remy made the radical decision to ink out his iconic chest tattoo!  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral_remy

Having found overwhelming success not only as a tattooist but also as a social media influencer, Remy's intricate chest piece became famous among his fans.

With more than 50,000 followers on his new Instagram channel (the old one was "deactivated for no reason"), where he goes by @ephemeral_remy, this Canadian tattoo fanatic blacked out the entirety of his upper body – all before making yet another radical transformation!

Originally sketched into the black was a chest piece made up primarily of white ink.

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A skull surrounded by wings, positioned above a large tooth-lashed eye, contrasted with the deep black of his torso.

Remy makes radical black-out change to iconic chest tattoo

Over the last few years, Remy has undertaken a major transformation. First announcing his decision to black out his chest tattoo in an Instagram post, he said that "change is part of life."

"This is one of my most polarizing decisions ever," he wrote. "Many people loved my old chest piece, but for me, it's never about disliking the old work, it's about embracing what's next."

In the time since his radical decision, Remy has completely reworked his chest and back, focusing on adding more color and contrast to his new look. His brand-new vibe features a lot of reds, blues, and greens.

Part of Remy's journey has been to prove that you can indeed tattoo over black, despite what many people say, and he's certainly on track to prove that it's true!

"Most 'experts' are just parroting information they’ve never actually looked into themselves," Remy said of tattooists who think you can't tattoo over black. "There’s naturally a lot of nonsense being trafficked without investigation."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral_remy

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