Inked influencer reveals struggles with tattoo regret

Los Angeles, California - Body artist and inking influencer Celle has spoken out about tattoo regret and the painful, unpleasant process of getting body art removed.

Celle experienced tattoo regret, and has shared that experience with her followers.
Celle experienced tattoo regret, and has shared that experience with her followers.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@celle_tattoo

Celle is a junior tattoo artist and a successful YouTuber, with more than 113,000 people subscribed to her channel.

She shares, among other things, reactions to radical and extreme tattoos, body modifications, and inking advice.

Recently, she discussed the issue of tattoo regret, which has been widely discussed online over recent weeks.

In the video, she revealed not only her own experience with regret but also how she dealt with it.

"If you are regretting a tattoo right now, the number one thing I want you to know is that it's going to be okay," she says at the beginning of the half-hour video.

"It's not the end of the world, even if it really feels like it is."

Tattoo influencer explains her story of tattoo trauma

Body art enthusiast Celle didn't feel like she could speak up as her tattoo was being inked (stock image.)
Body art enthusiast Celle didn't feel like she could speak up as her tattoo was being inked (stock image.)  © Unsplash/Lucas Dalamarta

In the video, Celle reveals that she had always wanted a phoenix tattoo largely due to her experience living abroad in China when she was a child.

Having chosen a great tattooist with a lot of experience, she went to get her new inking.

She didn't feel like she could speak up as it was happening and, when it was done, she realized that it really wasn't what she was looking for.

She explained that she felt self-conscious about it and, "at the time I felt incredibly down, and, like, really horrible about myself that I had made that decision."

Celle then talks through her traumatic and unpleasant experience of getting the tattoo removed by a doctor in her hometown. While ultimately successful, the whole experience affected her for a long time afterward.

"After all the removal process, I wasn't able to take the next step in fixing my tattoo," she explained.

"I had so much anxiety just from the thought of going into a tattoo studio because I was worried that this was gonna happen again."

"When I was regretting my tattoo, it did help me to understand all the options that I had, and it made me feel more confident in my decision... Take a minute and breathe and know that you are going to be okay" she said.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@celle_tattoo

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