Tattoo addict Remy reveals crazy white face tattoos

Lethbridge, Canada - Few people have more tattoos or more layers of ink than Remy. This Canadian body modifier is far from finished. Most recently, he revealed the story behind his "sick" white face tats.

Remy's white face tattoos truly pop – and the reason why is quite simple!
Remy's white face tattoos truly pop – and the reason why is quite simple!  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral__remy

Remy Schofield holds many titles – Canadian, dad, tattooist, social media influencer – but the most striking of all his titles is as one of the most heavily-inked people in North America.

With more than 72,000 followers on Instagram, where he goes as @ephemeral__remy, Remy has become iconic in the tattooing community not only for his unique look and extraordinary body art but also for his entertaining and informative content.

In one of his most recent explainers where he often responds to commenter's questions, Remy revealed the story behind his striking set of white-ink face tattoos!

Remy says that the white tattoos pop because it is "backed up by the red on black"

In a video posted to Instagram on Tuesday, Remy responded to a fan who had complimented his white face tattoos by saying they were "sick." In the video, the influencer explains the theory behind his white face tattoos.

According to Remy, he had waited about a year to do a third pass on the white, which gave it time to get brighter.

"See how this was the third pass on the white highlights on my face and these are healed now, fully healed?" Remy asked at the outset of the video.

"Part of the reason why the white pops the way it does is because it is backed up by the red on black."

"When you do leave these things for a while between passes, they get quite a bit brighter – but that's the way that stays now."

"Once you get three passes of white in there, it's pretty well finished, it doesn't really go back – that whole myth of white-on-black tattoos fading in a week is all just horses**t."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral__remy

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