Tattoo artist reveals one of the scariest things to hear from first-timers

Netherlands - A tattoo artist on TikTok reflected on the one thing some first-time tattoo customers say that scares her to the core.

A tattoo artist sarcastically reveals one of the scariest things a first-time customer can say while getting inked.
A tattoo artist sarcastically reveals one of the scariest things a first-time customer can say while getting inked.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/dragonflyinktattoo

A video that's garnered 2.5 million views on TikTok has seasoned tattoo artists and ink lovers feeling a little too seen.

In the clip posted by @dragonflyinktattoo, the tattoo artist from the Netherlands is seen recreating the scene of an ink session with a first-timer.

At the start, she asks, "So, is this your first tattoo?" before the customer – which happens to be her playing the role of the first-timer in question – enthusiastically replies, "Yes it is."

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Then, the artist checks in to make sure the first-timer is doing OK, as any good tattoo artist would do: "Is it OK?" she asks, to which the first-timer responds, "I kinda like it."

This leads the artist to say what many likely think in such moments: "You scare me." The vid itself was captioned, "almost every young girl I tattoo who expected the absolute worst."

To be honest, tattoos range in sensitivity depending on the area of the body you get inked.

So, if it's your first time getting a tattoo and you're scared of the feeling, choose wisely or check out the least painful places to get tatted!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/dragonflyinktattoo

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