An activist win! Dirty sponsor dropped ahead of environmental youth conference
Glasgow, Scotland - Youth activists peeled back a layer of greenwashing by pressuring organizers of the upcoming Conference of Youth environmental event to ditch a sponsor with shady ties.

The 16th annual global Conference of Youth (COY16) recently announced that it will not continue a sponsorship deal with Aker Horizons, a self-proclaimed "leading planet-positive investment company."
Young members of the COY16 conference leaned on its organizers to ditch the sponsor in order to keep the conference from helping companies greenwash – say they are taking climate action but continuing their investment in fossil fuels.
Aker Horizons is allegedly all about investing and exercising ownership over companies who promote clean energy. That sounds ideal for a conference that is all about fighting climate change.
However, Aker Horizons is a branch of Aker ASA, a Norwegian company that also invests in fossil fuel companies.
Their holding company also owns Aker Solutions, which was involved in building and maintaining Guantanamo Bay. That makes Aker Solutions indirectly at fault for a number of other abuses at the base, including torture, according to a 2007 Amnesty International report.
Fridays for Future in Scotland issued an ultimatum once they found out about the background of Aker Horizons – claiming if the company wasn't dropped as a sponsor, FFF Scotland would stop supporting the youth conference this year.
COY16 will take place from October 28 to October 31, and is part of the UN's efforts to have global participation in working against climate change.
Cover photo: IMAGO/NurPhoto/xEwanxBootmanx