The Savannah Bananas say it's About Damn Time to try Lizzo's dance challenge

Savannah, Georgia – The coolest baseball team to exist in the modern age is taking on Lizzo's About Damn Time dance challenge, and it's impressive.

The Savannah Bananas tried out Lizzo's About Damn Time dance challenge during a baseball game.
The Savannah Bananas tried out Lizzo's About Damn Time dance challenge during a baseball game.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/thesavbananas

You've got to give the Savannah Bananas props for making the dying sport that is baseball exciting again.

With a slogan like "fans first, entertainment always," it's no surprise that the fine young athletes repping this organization took a swing at Lizzo's viral About Damn Time dance challenge.

In typical Savannah Bananas fashion, the show-stopping performance happened mid-game right before the pitcher launched one towards home plate.

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It wasn't just the pitcher who partook in bringing out the fab-u-lous, as Lizzo so eloquently says in the song, but all of his teammates, as well.

There's nothing like seeing a group of grown men shake what their mamas gave them, especially in the midst of a baseball game.

But hey, rewriting the narrative of what the sport can be is something the Savannah Bananas do best.

To be honest, the team's take on Lizzo's dance challenge is giving us major "I think I'll give baseball games another try" energy, and we're here for it.

After all, it's "about damn time" that baseball got a revamp, and we have nothing but love for the Savannah Bananas for leading the way!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/thesavbananas

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