Packing heat! Woman uses her vagina to smuggle gun into prison

Columbia, Missouri - On International Women's Day, one badass woman is certainly making headlines with her lady bits and a crime of the highest caliber!

Amy Natasha Wilhite (39) smuggled a gun into prison.
Amy Natasha Wilhite (39) smuggled a gun into prison.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Boone County Sheriff's Office

Amy Nastasha Wilhite was arrested on February 14 for multiple felonies but weeks later, law enforcement booked her for her craziest crime yet.

After serving weeks behind bars, detention staff at the Boone County Jail found a small gun among Wilhite's personal belongings.

Investigators have determined that the North American Arms .22 caliber mini-revolver was smuggled into the jail inside the woman's vagina.

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The weapon made it past three body searches of the detainee when she entered, including a procedural strip search.

The pistol is 4 inches in length, 2.38 inches in width, and weighs 4.6 ounces.

According to a Facebook post by the Boone County Police Department, she was additionally charged with "possession of a weapon in a corrections center."

The discovery of the firearm was the "smoking gun" that has now added another felony to her extensive record.

The 39-year-old resident of Moberly, Missouri was being held for her charges of possession of methamphetamine, unlawful possession of a previous firearm, possession of drug paraphernalia, and resisting arrest.

She also had previous warrants out for her arrest for failing to appear in court for prior charges for domestic assault, driving while intoxicated, and driving without a license.

The jury is still out on whether or not the gun was fully loaded.

Cover photo: Facebook/Screenshot/Boone County Sheriff's Office

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