"Cat dad" didn't even want to get a kitty – now look at him!

Edinburgh, UK - Amy's boyfriend was actually against getting a cat. But oh, look how the tables have turned!

Amy's boyfriend was actually against getting a cat, but when the kitty didn't want to leave him, he quickly changed his mind.
Amy's boyfriend was actually against getting a cat, but when the kitty didn't want to leave him, he quickly changed his mind.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@amywvlogs

Amy shared a video on her TikTok channel that quickly went viral.

In the clip, you can see how the pet owner's boyfriend, who originally didn't want a cat, prepares a hot water bottle for the little four-legged friend.

"Cat dad 4 life," she captioned the clip.

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"When he didn't want a cat but makes him a hot water bottle every time we leave just in case he gets cold," reads the video's onscreen text.

The pet is a Ragdoll cat, a sweet and friendly breed that was bred in America in the early 1960s.

As Amy told Newsweek, her cat won her boyfriend's heart in a flash, and it didn't take long for the two to hit it off.

Does your cat get cold from time to time? If so, you can buy heating pads made of sturdy plastic, which are particularly safe and can simply be heated in the microwave.

Alternatively, there are also electric blankets that you can place under the sofa blanket, for example, to keep your cat warm and cozy at all times.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@amywvlogs

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