Cat with a tat: Instagram model puts her pet under anesthetic to do the strangest thing!

Kiev, Ukraine - Instagram influencer Elena Iwanickaya took tattooing to a whole new level when she decided her sphinx cat needed some body ink.

Elena Iwanickaya got her cat tattooed and claims he wasn't hurt during the process (collage).
Elena Iwanickaya got her cat tattooed and claims he wasn't hurt during the process (collage).  © Screenshot/Instagram/Elena Iwanickaya

Bringing a pet into a tattoo parlor is the last thing anyone expects to see, and with good reason.

However, Instagram model Elena Iwanickaya didn't mind societal norms when she sought to get her cat tattooed.

Before the Sphinx cat, named Yasha, went under the needle, Iwanickaya swears that she checked with a veterinarian before the appointment.

She claimed that the vet ultimately said there were no concerns for the cat's safety or wellbeing if he were to get tattooed at her desire.

In fact, Iwanickaya even claimed that surgeries done by vets are more cruel than getting a cat tattooed, telling Unilad, "he has not been castrated, and he never will be, this would be real cruelty."

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Tattooed Sphinx cat, Yasha, flaunts his chest piece for his Instagram feed (collage).
Tattooed Sphinx cat, Yasha, flaunts his chest piece for his Instagram feed (collage).  © source: screenshot/instagram/yasha_kot_

To get the tattoo, Yasha was put under anesthetic by a veterinarian, who was present throughout the entire session. According to Iwanickaya, the cat was not hurt in the process and was his normal self afterwards.

Unsurprisingly, social media was not thrilled with her decision to have the cat tattooed or to share it so openly on Instagram.

Although Yasha got the tattoo in 2017, Iwanickaya posted a picture of the cat on her feed on Wednesday.

Yasha does have a frequently-updated Instagram page of his own, but it's set to private, forcing users to be screened before the follow request can be accepted.

For those who are concerned about Yasha's wellbeing, Iwanickaya says, "the cat's life is better than yours." Supposedly, the feline lives a life of luxury.

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One question Iwanickaya has yet to answer is why she wanted her cat to have a tattoo in the first place. Given that she has no tattoos herself, it's a perplexing question that may never have an answer.

Cover photo: Screenshot/Instagram/Elena Iwanickaya

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