Cat won't leave pregnant owner's side – when the baby arrives, hearts melt!
Cornwall, UK - Carly Wadham from Cornwall didn't even know she was pregnant yet when her cat Simba first wouldn't leave her side, but soon everything made sense! .

After the birth of little Theo, Simba showed that he hadn't been directly concerned with his owner in the past months.
Instead, it became clear that the cat had just been waiting for his bestie to arrive!
"The day we brought Theo home from the hospital, [Simba] was the first cat to get close to him and smell him, and then, from that moment, he didn't leave his side," the mother of two said in an interview with Newsweek.
Wadham has four other cats as well as a teenage son who Simba also likes to look after.
Viral TikTok video shows touching bond between baby and cat

The clip first shows Simba guarding his pregnant human before later looking after baby Theo with lots of love.
This heartwarming story has been very well received byTikTok.
The video has received 3.9 million views and counting!
"Simba and Theo are the best duo, and as Theo has gotten older, he now plays with him," Wadham said.
"Simba gets upset if he isn't allowed to get in his cot for naps through the day, and he also gets protective if someone knocks on our door as he will sit by his side whenever new people are in the house."
She is delighted with the success of her clip and has received some wonderful online comments, according to the proud (cat and baby) mom.
Cover photo: Collage Screenshots/TikTok/@mybabyandus