Cats are adorably confused after meeting a puppy for the first time: "What are you?"

A now-viral TikTok video from user @turbo_piuma_pila shows the confusing moment when three Siberian cats – Turbo, Piuma, and Pila – met their new puppy sibling!
According to the video's on-screen text, this was the very first time that any of the cats had ever even seen a dog before.
Understandably, they were kind of thrown for a loop!
At first, the video shows the big fluffy cats surrounding the small dog, who is being held by its owner.
Once the animals are a bit more used to one another, however, Patty the puppy is set down on the floor.
As the dog bumbles around after the others, eager to play, the cats look at their new sibling with a mix of concern and confusion on their faces.
The hysterical clip has gone viral on TikTok with 4.4 million views and counting!
Commenters can't get enough of these cats and their puppy sibling!
Commenters found the video hilarious, with one writing, "THIS TOY IS DEFECTIVE...RETURN IMMEDIATELY!!"
"They are like 'something is different about this one, just can not put my finger on it,'" another commenter wrote.
"Him ready to play and they are like wait what are you?" joked a third.
Recent update videos have showcased a slowly warming relationship with the pup – even if they still think that Patty is the weirdest "cat" they've ever seen!
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@turbo_piuma_pila