Cat's bizarre new habit has owner asking Reddit users for help!

This cat has developed the puzzling new hobby of winding every nearby blanket into a spiral – and its owner can't understand why!

This cat has developed the puzzling new hobby of winding every nearby blanket into a spiral – and its owner can't understand why!
This cat has developed the puzzling new hobby of winding every nearby blanket into a spiral – and its owner can't understand why!  © Collage: Screenshot/Reddit/bigmamjimjam

"My cat makes blanket spirals. Why?" the seven-year-old cat's owner wrote on Reddit last month, triggering numerous reactions from the community.

According to the original poster, this behavior started about six months ago.

"Any reason why he would start doing this?" the pet owner asked.

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Many joked about the situation, with one popular comment reading, "He's moved on from biscuits to croissants."

"No one knows but it's provocative," added another, humorously referencing a line from the hit Will Ferrell comedy Blades of Glory.

Other users suggested that the practice might be a self-soothing behavior.

"Some sort of weird comfort thing maybe?" said one.

Another noted that a breeder told them kittens and cats "knit and munch soft blanket because it reminds them of the mother" as a method of stress relief.

Have you ever seen a cat twist blankets into wound up spirals?
Have you ever seen a cat twist blankets into wound up spirals?  © Screenshot/Reddit/bigmamjimjam

According to the many Reddit users who reported similar behavior in their own cats, this practice is perfectly harmless – as long as you don't mind some slightly stretched-out blankets, that is!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Reddit/bigmamjimjam

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